Now Hiring!
We are now accepting applications for our first Treefort parents!

"Great!" you say...
"But what in the world do Treefort parents do?"
Well, I'm glad you asked!
Treefort parents will care for the boys living at Treefort exactly the way healthy parents care for their children.
The Treefort parents will spend their days doing things like:
driving the boys to school
helping them with homework
feeding them
taking them to church as a family
giving them piggy back rides
playing catch in the backyard
feeding them
giving them ibuprofen for their headache
teaching them to do chores
having them clean their rooms (and then clean their rooms again according to the correct definition of a clean room)
helping them resolve conflicts with their Treefort brothers
feeding them
coaching them in
social interactions
roasting marshmallows while talking about life
did I mention, feeding them!
All of the things parents would do for their own child, the Treefort parents will do for these boys...because they are re-creating a family. These are their children while they live at Treefort!
The main job of a Treefort Parent is to, well, parent.
Click here to view the application and official job description. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us at