A Little Every Month Goes A Long Way!

If you are like me, you don't drag out your checkbook every month to pay the bills like I remember my parents doing. However, sometimes it's easier to give a little each month than write one big check one time. Several people have asked us lately if there is a simple way to give monthly to Treefort. The answer is YES...and those smaller amounts each month add up to a whole lot for Treefort!
So, here are three options of how to do it:
SIMPLEST: Click on this link that will take you to our website. Click Donate and when you are asked to enter the amount, do so. THEN CLICK THE LITTLE BOX THAT SAYS MAKE THIS RECURRING. Finishing submitting your payment and that's all there is to it. Paypal will take care of the rest!
SIMPLER: Go to your bank's online banking page and set-up a recurring check to be sent to Treefort each month at 5880 E Eaton Albany Pike, Eaton, IN 47338. Your bank will take care of the rest!
SIMPLE: Send us an email at info@treefortindiana.com that includes your name, email and the amount you want to donate. We will send you an invoice each month to remind you to get out your checkbook and send your monthly donation to Treefort.