What kinds of things do you fund with the grants?
These lists are not meant to be all encompassing, but rather examples of things that we, in general, do and do not fund with the Benbow Family Legacy Grant. It is our hope that this will help guide your request and as always, please reach out to us at info@treefortindiana.com if you have any questions.
Examples of ways the Benbow Family Legacy Grant has been used by past families…
• Counseling services
• Braces or medical needs not covered by insurance or Medicaid
• Small trips where the cost is covered by the total amount of the grant
• Money to provide for the expenses of extra-curricular activities or involvement in community activities
• Home renovations that provide space for additional children or a safer, more comfortable space for children and families
• Furniture that allows a family to spend more time together or is needed for children
• Items that provide a home with a more kid friendly outdoor space
• Supplies for college
Examples of things that the Benbow Family Legacy Grant typically does not fund…
• Vehicles
• Standard home maintenance needs or payments
• Childcare
• Large vacations
• General requests that don’t clearly and specifically state the need
• Requests that exceed the $5000 maximum with no plan to cover the difference in cost
• Past due bills